Terus-terang sy jenis yg kdg2 boring jgk....hihi..jdi if sy minat sstu jenis fashion tu sy juz pelbgaikan warna,corak or gaya..arini nk ckp psl plaid shirt fashion..

biasa sy akan pkai shawl or selendang yg plain..lbh mudah nk mix n match..

utk yg lbh kreatif biase pemakai akn tmbh aksesori..(sy x la..hehe)

kt lua sane mcm2 gaye plaid fashion ni ade..bukan shirt je tau,seluar,scarf,kain n mcm2 la..

plg pntg fashion ni sweet je spnjg mse..evergreen la yew...hihi

fashion ni mmg msuk mne2 majlis.haha..g pasa,kelas,cuci kete n byk lg la..:)

biase bju jenis ni brsifat utk tau trend latest..i just follow my brother..hahaha

 even bdak2 pkai pon sweet ^_^

*xkire gaye n fashion ape pon kte minat jgn dlupe batas agama n budaya(peringatan utk diri sy jgk :)

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” 
― Gore Vidal

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